Case Management Made easy

How to add new timeslips


How To add Timeslips

Case Management: adding timeslips

Being a private investigator and managing multiple cases at a time requires organized case management otherwise you will be missing notes or not billing correctly for your time.  CaseWorks and timeslips are a great way to bill for your time and expenses while making important case notes. 

Adding Timeslips

Step #1 Home Screen

When you are on your “home” screen you can add a new timeslip &/or case notes by selecting “cases” from the side menu or by searching for your case directly by name or number with the CaseWorks lookup filters.   

Step #2 Timeslips & Notes

From the case screen you will find all of your current cases scroll down to the case you want to add a new timeslip or note. From the actions column click on the Add dropdown menu and select timeslips & case notes  

Step #3 Case Notes

Here you will find the timeslips & notes page.   You will see on the of top the page four tabs or sections: Case Note, Billing, Leads & Expenses.  

From the case notes tab you can enter who completed the task, which this is very helpful if you are managing multiple investigators or staff members.  Select the activity type completed, which this activity type list is fully customizable.  To learn more about customizing your case activity type  check out our settings and customization guide . Enter date and times relating to your task and does this require a time override is so how much?  You can also put internal notes which will not appear on invoices but will show up on case reports.  You can also add notes that will appear on invoices.  

Step #4 Billing Information

From the billings tab you can update the status of this new timeslip if needed. Sometimes you bill by the hour while other times you may bill a flat rate. With this timeslip you will have the option to be hourly or flat rate.  In the timeslip you can also add the rate of an employee or subcontractor if you used one. Your default rate will automatically be filled in but if needed you can adjust your rate for this timeslip.  To Learn more about updating your default information (billing info, logos, tax ID default hourly rate or taxes etc….) check out our editing your CaseWorks profile guide

Step #5 Leads

In an investigation leads are so important.  From the leads tab you can mark yes or no on completed individual leads.  Did you meet with the attorney….. Yes or no?  Every investigator runs their business differently so you have the ability to customize leads used in a case.  To learn how to customize your investigative case leads check out our settings and customization guide. 

Step #6 Expenses

You can’t be a private investigator without having  expenses and every case or timeslip might have an expense attached to it.  From the expenses tab you can manually enter expenses or select from saved and custom expenses.   You may find your PI firm has some expenses that get used over and over and across multiple cases.  You can have these expenses prefilled out with your unique details. To learn how to track expenses and build a list of reusable expenses in CaseWorks check out our expenses guide

Step #7 Tap Save

Finally hit save and your new case timeslip is complete!  Things change and errors happen, if you need to edit your timeslip you can always  access in again from your case screen in CaseWorks. To learn more about your case screen check out our case screen guide

Next CaseWorks Guide

Case Screen guide, tips & tricks

Your Case Screen is the home for your selected case. Think of your Case Screen as a centralized location for everything relating to the case.  The Case Screen shows you the case info while showing you all actions and options with your case.  You can add a timeslip, manage the case budget, leads …

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